April Showers: A Rainy Day Lookbook

  1. Abigail says:

    These outfits are gorgeous! I never would have thought of rain booties, I’ll need to get a pair.

  2. Kali Borovic says:

    Love this! I need a pair of short rain booties xx.

  3. Cheila says:

    I love these outfits so much!! And I’m jealous, I really want a pair of Hunters, but they’re kind of expensive here! What do you do on rainy days to keep your hair from getting all frizzy and your make up all dragged?

    • Hunters were one of my best investments! Honestly my hair is a frizzy mess on a good day so I typically just throw it up in a bun and spray my face with setting spray to keep my face from running!

  4. These outfits are actually so helpful! It is supposed to rain all week in Albany. Needed the inspiration. The first outfit is definitely my favorite.

    xo Logan

  5. Sophie Maie says:

    Oooo I love all these outfits so much!! I need a pair of rain boots desperately, lovely post girl xx

  6. […] Post: Pinterest Outfit Recreations Related Post: April Showers- A Rainy Day Lookbook Instagram: […]

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