It’s here, it’s here! The time of year is here! Spring has sprung and along with the cute dresses, open-toed shoes, and pretty flowers comes the dreaded task of cleaning. Although tedious, a deep spring cleaning is not only necessary but so satisfying.
About a week ago I went ahead and tore my room apart. Not only in hopes to declutter but to actually wipe down, dust, and vacuum every crevice. It was successful in every way- I’m about to tell you how!My first tactic was to take everything out of my dresser. I tried on everything I hadn’t worn in the last six months to see if it was simply because of the weather or the fit. If it fit poorly or I didn’t like it anymore I put it into a pile in hopes to sell.
I then went ahead and organized as much as possible. Sectioning off my jeans from my shorts, etc. I rolled as much as possible in order to maximize my dresser space. The next section I tackled was the top of my dresser. Not only did I get rid of old jewelry but I managed to throw away old makeup items and random bits and bobs. I also wiped down the top of my dresser which was much-needed. Makeup builds up so quickly on mine and it felt so satisfying to wipe down all my containers as well.
I totally recommend storing your makeup in these clear drawers. Mine are from Walmart and they keep things super organized plus they are really easy to clean. My jewelry is kept on plates so I can see what I have- I find that this is awesome for me as it keeps me from neglecting certain pieces. I totally recommend doing this!
Does anyone else have a junk drawer in their room?! I do and it was overflowing, so that was next on my cleaning list. I organized everything using plastic containers and got rid of old notes, dead pens, etc. I save a lot of random things throughout the months so anything that had sentimental value I added to the memory box I keep under my bed. Everything else went into the trash- at this point, I was on a roll!
I know it stinks but cleaning under your bed is a must. There was so much dust down there… ew! Not to mention, I keep lots of old bags, papers, and trinkets in boxes underneath so I went through and trashed whatever I could. The rest I stored up; surprisingly I was able to knock the amount of stuff down by about half- I was so excited about this! I’ve always kept a bulletin board in my room; I use it as a sort of memory board and keep my 2018 bucket list up there. I redid this a while ago but thought I would throw this little room tip in if you’re looking for an easy yet cute way to display a few notes + memories.
Wipe down those mirrors! I’m notorious for forgetting to do this but it makes all the difference. I was so excited to get the mascara and fingerprints off, lol. Windex was a lifesaver for this.
There was a time in my childhood when my bookshelf had books spilling off of it… I’m still a fan of reading but I keep those stacked on my nightstand that was just dusted off. In the meantime, I keep a large stack of old magazines- these are always fun to look back on and tons of shoes.
I keep my booties on the top and have various pairs of heels and wedges scattered throughout the rest of it. This is an easy way to display some of my favorite pairs. I also have a few pairs of sunglasses, picture frames, and my hot pink Oliver Bilou bag. If you have a similar piece of furniture in your room I recommend putting some of your favorite fashion pieces up- this is one of my favorite parts of my room! Onto the closet! The most important/the most tedious part of the room. I began by taking literally every single piece of clothing out of my closet. As I did with the clothes in my dresser, if I hadn’t worn it in six months I tried it on- if it didn’t fit right or I couldn’t find at least three outfits to style it with, I threw it into the donate pile. I regularly go through my clothes so this didn’t take too long but I did come up with a decent sized donate pile. I went ahead and organized all of my shoes- buckling buckles, untying the laces, and making sure that each shoe was with its pair.
Although my closet was still significantly full, I was pleased with what I put back into my closet. I also have a clothing rack where I placed the remainder of my spring essentials and any piece of clothing that I have recently purchased and/or have yet to wear.
The last thing on my checklist was my bed. It always feels good to strip your bed and put on a fresh pair of sheets; especially after you’ve just finished cleaning every other inch of your room. I did just that and made sure to fluff all my pillows before calling it quits.
After another quick run with the vacuum and my room was looking pretty promising. It always feels good to get that deep spring cleaning out of the way- I am so happy with my cleaner, more organized room and with these steps/tips you can be too!
What’s your favorite part about cleaning your room? Let me know below along with any other questions, comments, or requests you may have for me. Thank you so much for stopping by/. Wishing you all a very happy weekend! With love, McKenz
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Related Post: Spring Cleaning
Instagram: styledbymckenz // YouTube: McKenzie Morgan // Pinterest: mckenzmorgan
This is super helpful! Trying on everything you haven’t worn for 6 months is a great idea
Thanks girlies- def soemthing that helps me when it comes to deciding what to donate xx
Hey! I nominated you for the Mystery Blogger Award because I really enjoy reading your posts! Link here –>
Aw thank you so much girly- I’ll have to go check it out
No problem!
Omg I totally need to do this
mine is a mess lol. Thanks so much for sharing these tips
Of course, Sam! Thanks for stopping by
Your welcome…. going to have a look at your other posts now, love it
Just few weeks ago I did Spring clean, oh man did I make a progress. I gave away so many clothes and just beauty things that I didn’t use. It feels so much better now, I really want to to clean at lest 2 times a year, because it is great to refresh life a little bit. xx
A deep clean is so necessary and feels amazing afterward! Thank you for your kind words xx
I am so glad that I saw this post! It was just the inspiration I needed. We just sold our first house and will be moving out by May 8th! I am excited, but have been somewhat dreading the whole purge/declutter sequence that needs to happen. Thanks for sharing your tips and tricks!
<3 Alana
Purging feels so good once it’s done and over with- a deep clean was def in the cards for me! Congrats on selling the house- have an awesome week!!
I haven’t started spring cleaning yet but i always look forward to it. I clean out pretty often though, last time I did it was before New Years so I’m sure I won’t have that many things to toss but it’s always worth looking through everything again
I always enjoy a deep cleaning! Especially right after the new year too!!