The days were oh, so long this week. Between studying for my final two AP Exams of the year, no more baseball, and seven straight days of rain it was not my favorite week by any means… However, I did post a few blog posts that I am super proud of; my apologies for the slow uploads and few pictures. I’m praying that the rain will clear up finally so I can get outside again. I swear it feels like it won’t stop! I’m really excited for next week; it’s supposed to be warm, my boys are playing in the Senior Allstar game, I have family coming to town for my birthday, and there’s testing for the sophomores which means sleeping in all week! What will you be up to this week? Be sure to let me know below along with any other questions, comments, or requests you may have for me. Wishing you a happy, sunny week! With love, McKenz
5.13.18 – Taking my mind off of yesterday’s hard loss by enjoying Mother’s Day with the fam and enjoying a nice, long try-on session at TJ Maxx. I found the cutest pieces!
Outfit Details – tank top: Old Navy, jeans: Hollister, shoes: Rainbows, necklace: Kendra Scott, watch: DKNY/TJ Maxx
5.14.18 – The first day in a long time that there was no baseball practice after school. Missing my boys already
Outfit Details – tank top: TJ Maxx, jeans: Hollister, shoes: Target, necklace: Kendra Scott, cuff: Sugarfix/Target, earrings: Icing
5.15.18 – Doing some final studying this afternoon before taking the AP Lang exam. Took some time to reflect on the last week’s happenings when reading my Bible tonight.
Outfit Details – top: TJ Maxx, shorts: Gap, sandals: Target, necklace: Kendra Scott, watch: DKNY/TJ Maxx, earrings: Icing
5.16.18 – Posted one of my favorite posts ever on the blog today. I felt so beautiful in my Prom pictures and was so excited to share them with you today!
Outfit Details – top: Gap, pants: Old Navy, sandals: Target, necklace: Kendra Scott, watch: DKNY/TJ Maxx
5.17.18 – Got inducted into the National Honors Society today along with my cheer girlies after taking our final AP Exam of Junior year!
Outfit Details – tank top: TJ Maxx, zip up: Under Armour, leggings: Target, sneakers: New Balance, watch: DKNY/TJ Maxx
5.18.18 – Spent the afternoon binge watching 13 Reasons Why Season 2 on Netflix and then the evening with Connor and his fam watching Jumaji and playing Candyland; it was a fun end to a mediocre week.
Outfit Details – tank top: Old Navy, jeans: Hollister, shoes: Palm Beach Sandals, cuff: Sugarfix/Target, necklace: Kendra Scott, earrings: Icing
5.19.18 – Ran a few errands with the sissy, headed to one of my good friends, Heather’s graduation party, had an awesome dinner with the family watching the Preakness, and spent the night hanging with all my besties! Overall a very good day.
Outfit Details – top: Old Navy, jeans: Hollister, shoes: DSW, necklace: Kendra Scott and Ann Taylor, cuff: Sugarfix/Target
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