Getting down to the last few weeks of summer. It’s coming to an end so fast and I’m suddenly frantically trying to find time to see all of families and friends before it’s too late. I’m coming to you a bit later today… if you haven’t been keeping up with my vlogs, than you wouldn’t know that I’m having an in-house closet clean out sale. Allowing people to come over and shop right out of a room has been so easy and helpful in getting stuff out of the house. Today was the first day of it and it was crazy successful. I’m doing it again tomorrow from 10-4 and am hoping for a good turnout. Anywho, that’s why today has been so busy! I’m slacking on photos for this week’s Weekly Wrap Up but was vlogging up a storm this week— be sure to watch and hit that subscribe button. Catch you all next week.
With love, McKenz
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7.28.19— Shot a handful of looks for the blog before heading to the outlet mall with my mom. Came home and got a ton of engaging done on Instagram.
Outfit Details— set: SheIn, shoes: Birkenstocks, earrings: Walmart, necklace: Kendra Scott, watch: DKNY
7.29.19— Had the most productive Monday in the world today! Responded to so many emails, shot a few looks, edited a couple of videos, cleaned out some more clothing for my sale, and managed to get some engaging in. Today was the definition of a work day for Styledby!
Outfit Details— romper: SheIn, earrings: Icing, necklace: The Silver Heron
7.30.19— Had a lazy work day at home catching up on a few things. Got a few pairs of shoes in the mail from Chinese Laundry that I cannot wait to start styling. Spent the rest of the afternoon reading a blog that I talk all about in this week’s vlog!
Outfit Details— top: Express, shorts: Express, necklace: The Silver Heron
7.31.19— Headed out with my Manions after a full day at Style Me Sue. Said goodbye to one of Chase’s good friends Brayan before he moved to Colorado. Came home and watched the movie Brampton’s Own which was so good.
Outfit Details— sweater: Express, jeans: Hollister, shoes: Chinese Laundry, earrings: SheIn, necklace: SheIn, watch: Fossil, bracelets: SheIn
8.1.19— Thursday night with my second fam and we ate the yummiest pizza after some TJ Maxx shopping! Got to spend the night laughing on the deck and watching a movie with Con. Cannot believe I only have two more Thursday nights with them!
Outfit Details— dress: TJ Maxx, shoes: Chinese Laundry, earrings: Walmart, necklace: The Silver Heron, watch: Fossil, bracelets: SheIn
8.2.19— Grabbed lunch with my momma before going to work. Afterward we headed out to run some pre-moving errands and grabbed ice cream at Jimmie Cone! It was such a good day together.
Outfit Details— set: SheIn, cardigan: TJ Maxx, shoes: Chinese Laundry, earrings: Walmart, necklace: The Silver Heron, bracelets: SheIn
8.3.19— Did the craziest closet purge today to prepare for my big in house closet sale that I’m having tomorrow and Monday! Felt so good to get rid of so many things before packing up for college. Ate dinner at our fav restaurant tonight and split something yummy with the fam!
Outfit Details— bodysuit: ShowPo, short: TJ Maxx, shoes: Payless, necklace: The Silver Heron