What a crazy week in Kent it’s been— truth be told, I don’t think I’ve ever spent so much time staring at my computer screen. Between daily uploading to YouTube, final projects, and studying for finals, it’s safe to say my screen time this week was embarrassingly high. On a positive note, I’m done with classes for the semester!
Now it’s time to crack down and get studying for my final exams. Just one more week of grinding and then I’m officially done (YAY!). I can’t wait to be back in Maryland for winter break but am also soaking up these last days here in my college apartment surrounded by my friends! Best of luck to all of my ladies taking finals this week—you’ve got this!
With love, McKenz
As much as I would have loved to do another year of daily vlogging in December, it just wasn’t in the cards this year. I am, however, continuing to upload videos daily to my channel so seven new videos went up this week. Go catch up on any videos you’ve missed here. Plus, I know how much you guys love hour-long week in my life vlogs so I figured you wouldn’t be too disappointed with this schedule.
12.6.20— Having a slow Sunday here in the apartment. I spent most of the morning in bed working on my Sunday posts and the afternoon editing videos and planning content for the upcoming week. My big Ally came over for dinner and we had some yummy shrimp tacos.
Outfit Details— top: Romwe, jacket: Romwe, leggings: Spanx, sneakers: Ugg, earrings: SheIn, glasses: Discount Glasses, necklace: SheIn
12.7.20— I hit the ground running this morning, tackling the longest list of school work after getting today’s blog post and YouTube video up. It’s my final week of classes so I had tons of last-minute assignments, studying, and extra credit to work on. Took a little school break to catch up with a friend and then switched gears to work on blog tasks for the rest of the evening.
Outfit Details— sweater: Romwe, jeans: Fashion Nova, shoes: Dolce Vita, hat: Lulus, earrings: Walmart, rings: Ana Luisa
12.8.20— Headed to my final Economics class this morning followed by Fashion Fabrics where I handed in my last two labs of the semester. I spent the entire afternoon studying for my Econ exam on Thursday— needless to say, I cannot wait for this class to be over with. I made myself some yummy shrimp pasta for dinner and spent the rest of the night working on a project.
Outfit Details— flannel: Zaful, top: Zaful, jeans: Express, shoes: Chinese Laundry, earrings: SheIn, watch: Fossil, bracelets: Mantra Band, necklace: The Silver Heron
12.9.20— Having myself a slow morning in bed, getting my blog post and YouTube video of the day published. I spent the entire afternoon completing my online branding project for my Social Media Strategies Project. It was such an eye-opening assignment and made me realize how much I’ve truly accomplished this year. Spent the evening chatting with a friend and cooking up stir fry!
Outfit Details— sweater: SheIn, jeans: Express, shoes: Chinese Laundry, belt: Romwe, earrings: SheIn, necklace: The Silver Heron
12.10.20— Switched things up this morning and filmed a morning routine and a collab video—that’s what you’ve got to do when the sun’s out for the first time in days, lol! Went to my final Fashion Fabrics class of the semester and then sat down to take my Economics exam. I ended up with an 88 which I was so happy about. Ran to the baseball field for a little journal session, made some dinner, and spent the evening hanging with my girlies.
Outfit Details— jacket: Romwe, turtleneck: SheIn, jeans: Express, belt: SheIn, shoes: Chinese Laundry, earrings: SheIn, necklace: The Silver Heron, glasses: Discount Glasses
12.11.20— Oh boy was today busy! It’s been a while since I’ve had a full-on Styled by McKenz day but that’s what today was— blog post written, YouTube video edited, drafts submitted, mirror photos taken, and videos filmed. I grinded all day long and finished off the night eating Barrio with Ally.
Outfit Details— top: Pretty Little Thing, jeans: Express, boots: SheIn, belt: Romwe, earrings: SheIn, necklace: The Silver Heron, rings: Ana Luisa, bracelet: Ana Luisa
12.12.20— After an early morning editing session I got dressed in comfy clothes and sat down for a full afternoon of studying. Took an exam and am officially 2/5 of the way done—we’re in the home stretch, baby!
Outfit Details— sweatshirt: Zaful, joggers: Zaful, shoes: Ugg