Weekly Wrap Up #51 (Week in my life+OOTW)

  1. Aditi says:

    so glad you had a great week, and congrats on 1000 followers! your outfits look so cosy and chic at the same time, and that black dress is gorgeous on you xo

    Aditi | https://lifeasaditi.wordpress.com

  2. sophiemaie says:

    I’m so happy to hear how fun your week was!! I wish we could get a real Christmas tree it just seems so much more fun and cozy than putting up a fake one haha maybe one day. Lovely post as always xx

  3. Congrats on 1000 followers!

  4. […] McKenzie Morgan // Pinterest: mckenzmorgan Check out what I was doing this week LAST year: Weekly Wrap Up #51 (Week in my life+OOTW), Gift Ideas for the Gals (under $50), Athleisure Lookbook, Top 16 Favorite Outfits of […]

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