Hey, friends! I hope you all are having the best day so far. This week was a slow one for sure but I was able to hang out with all my bffs and take a breather in terms of my work load from school which was such a relief. Every year my school has a formal in March (this years is next weekend) so I am super excited for spirit week at school this coming week and for more plans! What have you all been up to lately?! Let me know in the comments below along with your favorite outfit and any other questions or comments you may have for me. Wishing you all the best this week. With love, McKenz.
This week on Styledbymckenz – Everyday Makeup Routine, Loose Curl Tutorial, Winter Clothing Wrap Up, Makeup Of The Week
Instagram – styledbymckenz
Check out what I was doing this time LAST year – Weekly Wrap Up #10
3.5.17-No picture again this Sunday because there was honestly nothing to do this week so I didn’t do much other than get a head start on some blog work and study!
Outfit Details- pajamas
3.6.17- Spent the whole evening chatting with GB about our sweet Jesus. I love night’s like this one, they make my heart feel so full.
Outfit Details- tank: Target, cardigan: Hollister/TJ Maxx, jeans: Hollister, socks: Kohls, booties: Old Navy, necklace: SkylarChic
3.7.17- Spending time journaling in my Bible after a long day at school. I read the most amazing Psalm tonight that was such a reminder that Jesus can take away all of our anxieties if we turn our hearts to Him.
Outfit Details- jeans: Gap, shirt: TJ Maxx, necklace: Charming Charlie’s, watch: Kohls, shoes: Glicks
3.8.17-Today was a socks and Birks kind of day because I was feeling like being comfy plus it’s still too cold to wear sandals on a daily basis, lol. Check out my Loose Curl Tutorial that went live this morning!
Outfit Details- sweater: Forever 21, jeans: Hollister, socks: American Eagle, shoes: TJ Maxx, necklace: Kendra Scott
3.9.17- Chilling in my Sanuks today; the are the comfiest! Plus taking some pictures for tomorrows blog post after school today. I got stuck in hardcore denim on denim today when taking pictures of individual clothing pieces and ended up falling loving it!
Outfit Details- flannel: Old Navy, jeans: Hollister, bracelet: Michael’s, shoes: Sanuks
3.10.17- We saw snow flakes today it was so chilly! Spent the night with GB, Jean, and Jack (plus my Abby girl!) watching basketball and eating allll the ice cream. These are the best nights.
Outfit Details- sweater: Loft, scarf: Target, jeans: Hollister, boots: DSW
3.11.17- A day spent running errands and working on the blog is a day well pent especially when it involves your favorite sunglasses. I wish the weeks had more Saturdays (don’t we all.)
Outfit Details- top: Old Navy, jacket: Kohls, vest: Old Navy, jeans: Hollister, shoes: DSW, sunglasses: Steve Madden
Such cute outfits x
Thank you! Happy Sunday, sweet girl.
Cute outfits girl! I love Saturday’s outfit, I see why those are your fave sunglasses! ?
Thank you so much! I picked them up for $8 at TJ Maxx and have been wearing them nonstop ever since.
hi mckenzie <3 i tagged you for the „ride or die“ tag by jaclyn hill ? here’s the link http://lemaslife.net/2017/03/12/ride-or-die-tag/
Aw thank you SO much! I will have to go check it out
Youre welcome
You are the cutest!!!! Wanting some ice cream now! ?
Thank you!! I am seriously on an ice cream kick these days lol. Happy Sunday girly.
The outfits are gorgeous!
Thank you so much
Love your style! Can I just have your closet
I don’t mind sharing :,)
[…] 15) from Weekly Wrap Up #10 (Week In My Life + OOTW) […]
[…] Check out what I was up to this time in 2017: Pre-Spring Fashion: Outfits + Trends, Spring Cleaning, Winter to Spring Transition (Outfits + Tips), Weekly Wrap Up #10 (Week In My Life + OOTW) […]