Pack With Me For Wisconsin // VLOG

  1. Great post and great video! I subscribed to your YouTube channel and can’t wait to watch all the videos I’ve missed! I hope you have a great time in Wisconsin; and you’re right, it’s nice to just get away sometimes! xoxo

    • Thank you so much, Brittney for subscribing! Means a lot! I am having such a nice time on vacation and love having more time to be with the fam. Enjoy your evening! xx

  2. apkinger says:

    I used to live in WI!! Have a great trip <3

  3. Hope you’re having a lovely, relaxing time in Wisconsin!

  4. Hope you’re having a lovely and relaxing time in Wisconsin!

  5. […] Post: Pack With Me For Wisconsin // VLOG Related Post: Pinterest Outfit Recreations Instagram: styledbymckenz YouTube: McKenzie […]

  6. You did a great job with the packing. I always have trouble trying to make everything fit when packing for travels. I hope you are having a great time away and yes, it’s always great to be an outdoors girl once in a while.
    Great post.

  7. xoJenny says:

    Hey! I’ll be in the state next door (Minnisota) this coming weekend!!! If only you could pack my suitcase up with your clothes 😉 *i wish* Just subscribed though!! Hope you’re having a good time!!

    xo, JJ

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