I always find it kind of silly when I get asked to share what’s in my backpack for school each year but come to think of it; I suppose it’s not much different than a ‘What’s In My Purse?’ and those are always super fun to read. Nonetheless, for all of the incoming freshman and other ladies that requested to see what I’ll be keeping in my backpack for my junior year of high school, this post is for you. Enjoy!
the well loved bag ready for junior year
Let’s talk about the backpack itself for a second. This will be my third year using the North Face Borealis backpack in the color ‘Black / Origin Blue’. The backpack has three pockets, a 15″ laptop sleeve compartment, and two mesh, side pockets. In reality, the backpack is very spacious and I have found that it has done a really nice job at holding the abundance of things I keep in it each school year. The backpack is durable and sturdy having held up for the last three years; however, my one and only complaint about the backpack is that when wearing a tank top, the shoulder straps do rub. Although, I suppose anybody who’s carrying a 40-pound bag on their back throughout the day would experience this too. Nonetheless, I will continue to use this bag throughout high school as it has served me more than well so far!
The front pocket is much smaller in comparison to the others and is only meant for the essentials. Therefore, I typically keep a pack of gum, lip balm, whatever lipstick I am wearing that day, a pair of headphones, and my phone in it!
The second pocket has several mesh compartments, pockets, etc. but for the most part, I only keep a few things tucked away in here. The biggy being, my lunchbox! I have a standard Vera Bradley lunchbox that takes up the majority of this pocket’s space and a tiny toiletry bag from Old Navy that I keep in here as well. I like to keep things like deodorant, lotion, hair ties, mint gum, and such on hand in case I find myself needing these things throughout my days.
the main pocket is stuffed to the brim!
The big pocket is where I actually keep my supplies. The space is large enough to fit my seven class folders, single subject notebooks, and five-subject spiral in comfortably. I also am able to keep my Large Lily Pulitzer agenda lined up with them as well as whatever book I a reading at the moment (currently #GIRLBOSS). Lastly, I keep my two pencil pouches resting on top of my folders and notebooks. One of them is for my writing utensils and the other is for my spare flashcards since pencil boxes are most definitely not my thing. I also want to point out that I do not use the laptop sleeve, as I do not bring my computer to school with me; however, I do travel with this bag and will admit that it does, in fact, fit perfectly!
Oh, and before I go I wanted to mention that I do keep my gold water bottle in one of the mesh side pockets on a day-to-day basis.
I hope this little ‘What’s In My Backpack’ helped you figure out what to pack away this school year. What kind of backpack do you use for school?! Be sure to let me know in the comments below along with any other questions, comments, or requests you may have for me. Wishing you a fabulous school year! With love. McKenz
Latest Post: Back To School Supply Haul 2017
Related Post: What’s in My Backpack 2016-2017
Instagram: styledbymckenz // YouTube: McKenzie Morgan // Pinterest: mckenzmorgan
You’re so organized! I love that. This isn’t the backpack that I imagined you carrying, but all the little bags inside are SO you! xx.
Thanks so much Kali! It’s not the bag I would picture for myself either but many girls at our school yes these and they are so practical that I prefer this one over a stylish one!! Thanks so much for stopping by Xoxox
I absolutely love posts like this! I love to know what people keep in their bags! I love the way your notebooks are decorated; their fun while remaining classic! Thanks for sharing girl! xo
Aw thanks so much Brittney! I like to keep my supplies cute that way I feel organized and try harder lol!!!
Your notebooks are to dieee for!!!! The black and gold with your initials…..pfft I wish I was stylin’ like that in my school days lol
xo, JJ
Hehe thank you so so much Jenny! So glad you liked them.
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