They say your Junior year is the hardest year of high school and in some ways, I would agree with the mainstream statement. But for so many reasons I would beg to differ. Junior year was by far the best year for me and because I had such an awesome experience, today I’m sitting down to share with you how I survived Junior year of high school.
I talked a lot about my year in my Junior Year Recap that was posted earlier in the summer but wanted to sit down and chat some more, especially considering I’m not your average blogger.
My schedule for Junior year was as follows:
– AP World History
– AP English Language
– AP Art History
– Honors Forensic Science
– Honors Journalism 2
– Pre-Calculus
– Honors Health.
As far as extracurricular activities go, I was a Varsity Cheerleader, Varsity Baseball Manager, Fashion Club Vice President, Opinions Editor of the Newspaper, Student Ambassador and belonged to the Leo’s Club and Drama Club. As you can tell I have a hard time saying no when someone asks me to help out; here’s how I managed to make Junior year the best one yet.
By Junior year you’ve probably got an idea as to how much your plate can hold. I’m involved in tons but that’s because I know my limits. I understand that I personally, work better when I have more going on. It leaves me more productive, helps me sleep better at nights, and overall leaves me feeling good. Consider how much stress you can handle and how much free time you like to have before taking on several responsibilities. Don’t forget that Junior year is a grueling school year and at the end of the day, academics (should) come first.
Although my schedule was much harder than any other year, I found myself in a really good place academically. Three AP’s was a hard choice but I really enjoyed all of the classes I took. I was excited to learn and found myself more motivated to do well in my classes because they were topics I was genuinely interested in.
Junior year is mainly what colleges look at. Don’t blow off the school year by taking easy breezy classes. Actually try to challenge yourself by taking a few honors or AP classes. I challenged myself and I quickly realized it was the right thing to do. I got A’s and B’s in all of my classes, earned some college credit, and learned so many valuable things throughout my harder classes. Although, it’s important to remember that a grade doesn’t necessarily measure how much you’ve learned. A good teacher isn’t always a generous grader.
Take time to get involved in extracurricular activities you are passionate about. My school has a wide variety of clubs and I made it a point to join as many as possible. I mentioned earlier that I was a Varsity Cheerleader, Baseball Manager, a part of Fashion Club, Leo’s Club, the newspaper and more! Not only was I able to meet new friends and share an activity I enjoyed with them, but I was participating in things that colleges want to see! Good at a sport? Try out for the team! The best way to really feel a part of your school is to represent it in some way. I highly suggest getting active in your school.
Taking time to unwind is so important and yet it’s something we all forget to do from time to time. Make a point to spend at least 15 minutes a night to relax and unwind from all the stress that Junior year brings. It is so much fun but it definitely requires balance. Blogging is my creative outlet and how I prefer to spend my free time throughout the school year!
Say yes more. If someone invites you somewhere or asks you to participate in something, say yes! You never know what opportunities may come your way.
But also learn to say no more. This is something I struggle with as I’m someone who always wants to be helping out. I like to have my hands in every part of the school but sometimes it stretches me a little too thin. Know when enough is enough and understand that you cannot do it all.
Junior year I found some of the best friends and found that some people who I thought I’d call my friends for the rest of my life, weren’t necessarily right for me. It’s normal for people to come in and out of your life and Junior year was definitely the time where I found my ‘fit’. If your friends aren’t supportive of your dreams and goals, are they really your friend? This is something I asked myself plenty of times throughout the school year… you may want to consider doing the same!
I forgot to mention that Junior year is also the time to start thinking about college. Plan visits for long weekends or over spring break so you can see the campus in person. I’m not going to sugar coat it, the college process is tough and it’s hard to know where to start, especially if you’re unsure about what you may want to pursue in the future. Take this year to learn more about yourself and take full advantage of your school’s resources when it comes to narrowing down colleges to consider.
SAT and ACT time is here. Don’t wait. Get the testing done now. Get the required courses done now. Care about your grades now. This year matters whether you want to believe it or not – you will thank yourself later for doing things on time… I promise!
When things get stressful, write it down. Whether you like to color coordinate activities and assignments in your planner or spill your thoughts in a journal, I encourage you to write. And then write some more. And then some more.
I write my whole life in my planner, collect my thoughts in a journal, and then come on here to write about things I’m passionate about. Writing has changed not only the student I am but who I am. Don’t neglect writing; you will be glad you didn’t later on.
Well, I think that’s all the advice I have on surviving Junior year. Take a deep breath, relax, and get ready for the busiest yet best year of high school yet! If you have any more questions, comments, or requests be sure to leave them below and I’d be happy to answer. Thanks so much for stopping by!
With love, McKenz
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Related Post: Recapping Junior Year of High School
Instagram: styledbymckenz //YouTube: McKenzie Morgan //Pinterest: mckenzmorgan
These are SUCH great points and things to remember when tackling your junior year. Full disclosure, my educational experience (until college) was a true nightmare; and although it prepared me for success in college, I certainly had a hard time with almost every aspect of high school life. With that being said, I love seeing people like you embracing the (HS) culture and finding happiness in the little things! I’m so glad you’ve had such a great experience so far, I wish you nothing but the best for your senior year, I know you’re gonna knock em’ dead! <3 <3
Aw you’re so so sweet Brittany! Hoping senior year is even better than junior year!!! So happy to have the support of my blogger babes along the way xx
These are great tips, girlfriend. Also- holy AP classes… you are taking so many!! Good for you, Chica. You are one smart cookie- you are going & will continue to go sooo far. XO
Those were the classes I took last year… I’m in for a treat with five this year haha! Thanks for the love girl xx
DANGGGGG. Ok I’m saying a lil prayer for you. Haha. You go girl!
Haha thank you girly xx
McKenzie, You have a talent for expressing yourself. Beautifully said!
Thank you so much! xx
Well written