June Favorites (NEW YouTube Video)

  1. Azra says:

    Love that blush palette, super pretty shades. Lovely favorites girl. xx

  2. outnaboutweb says:

    Sounds like a great month passed by, even it passd by incredibly fast! And I had no idea you were on YouTube! I’m gong to check you out right now! 🙂
    love, elena


  3. Ysobel Luna says:

    Your video quality is excellent! What camera do you use? ?

    • Hey girly! I actually use three different Nikons when filming. It just depends. I have a small point and shoot Nikon that I sometimes film on (this video is on this camera) but it is mostly a blog camera. I also use a Nikon D7000 for pictures and some videos but this camera is very big and heavy so i often film on my sisters boyfriends Nikon! I’ll have to get them name of it for you, I’m not positive what it is off the top of my head! Thank you so much xx hope this helps!

  4. I love your favorites! I’ve just done a favorites post on my blog, too!

    Have a lovely day!

    xx Kris

  5. […] Ideas///Summer Style With the Besties // Four Outfit Ideas to Wear NOW Ft. Oliver Bilou Handbags///June Favorites (NEW YouTube Video) Instagram: styledbymckenz  YouTube: McKenzie Morgan  Check out what I was doing this week LAST […]

  6. SincerelySamXO says:

    So cute! I actually picked up those sandals from target after seeing them on your instagram! Thanks for sharing 🙂

    Sam | http://www.sincerelysamxo.com

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